Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Joey is a star...again!

First he was a model for an infant massage class, then he was on the news with Mommy and now....Joey appears in in "Awareness", a quartely publication from Simcoe Community Services!

A number of months ago we applied for funding for Joey's special stroller liner, and were denied at every turn. Our infant development worker, who has been involved with us since the beginning, knew of a special funding source called Bingo Funds, a small pot of money raised by charitable bingo games in our community. She did all the paperwork for us and the almost $500 stroller liner was paid for; she even dropped of the cheque to the supplier for us!

So of course I had to write a letter to the committee thanking them, and they published it along with Joey's picture in their publication which we received in the mail today!

It's a bit difficult to read the letter because I had to scan it, but here's what it said:

Dear Wandy,

I wanted to express my sincerest thanks to the Bingo Funds Allocation Committee for the recent approval of my family's request. My son Joey desperately needed the seat liner for his stroller and every other funding request we made was denied. The seat liner has allowed Joey to sit completely upright in his stroller and experience the world like a typical 18-month-old child can, a huge gift for him and for us!

I truly appreciate all of the help we received from our Infant Development Worker, who continues to be a huge support to our family.

I hope that once Joey is done using this special equipment we can pass it on to another child who may not otherwise be able to access it.

Thank you so much,

Pamela, Jason and Joey

That's all for now. Be sure to get Joey's autograph next time you see him, he's going to be famous one day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!! Hmm...I think Joey and Avery might be the perfect celebrity pair in a few years LOL!