Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Ghost in Your Genes

This won't be a long post, but I wanted to share a link to a very interesting BBC documentary on genetics, which uses Angelman Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome as examples to describe imprinting, inheritance etc. I had no idea it was going to talk about Angelman specifically so I was pretty happy to find this.

The documentary is called The Ghost in Your Genes, and it's divided into 4 parts. Angelman is discussed 3 minutes into part one. If you've found our story the least bit confusing you'll find the documentary very helpful at explaining the science behind what's been found in Joey and I. The main focus of the program is how environmental factors over generations can affect our DNA. Its really quite fascinating.

Here are the links (each part is approx. 11minutes long):

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Stay tuned tomorrow...Joey starts with his new Occupational Therapist. He's been without OT service for well over 6 months now, is still on the waiting list for free service but we've decided to seek service through a private OT specializing in children. It's expensive, but we think it is really important that he receive OT more regularly. Hopefully this new therapist works out well, I'll post more tomorrow!

Pamela, Jason and Joey


J said...

Hi Pamela - I wanted to check back and see how things were progressing for you and Joey and family. I just got off the phone with our pediatrician and the number of consults I need to set up is overwhelming me right now so I thought I'd look at some blogs I like - including yours - to divert myself for a bit. I'll check back to hear about OT. Keep the faith!

Unknown said...

Hope the OT goes well for Joey! I know that since Josh started getting OT regularly he has made tons of progress! :D That program was ver fascinating, I watched it a few months ago.